Rhodes Avenue Primary School serves part of Wood Green, close to Alexandra Palace and Muswell Hill, within the London Borough of Haringey. We are a three form entry school (this means there are 3 classes in each year group) and currently have 697 children on roll. The school has a very stable community and pupil mobility (where a child joins or leaves at a point other than the normal age in which children start or finish their education in primary school) is 3.29%. The percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) is 4.87% and the percentage eligible for Pupil Premium funding is 4.44%. The percentage of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) is 9.89% and the percentage of children with English as an Additional Language is 24.1%. Rhodes Avenue Primary School’s last OFSTED inspection was in September 2021 and the school was graded as Outstanding.
Rhodes Avenue Primary School benefits from spacious grounds and outdoor spaces. The children are accommodated in a range of buildings: the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) building is for one of our nursery classes and all of our Reception classes, the Key Stage 1 (KS1) building is for Years 1 and 2, the Key Stage 2 (KS2) building is for Years 3 to 6 and the Woodpecker building for our second nursery class. We also have an additional building that provides the following facilities – a Media/Computing Suite, an Art Room, a dedicated Music Room, an outdoor classroom and wellbeing pods for our counselling team.
The school has two Nurseries and we offer both full and part time places. Children are able to access either 15 hours of provision (2 ½ days per week ) or 30 hours of provision (5 days a week) for the core hours of 9am -3pm. Extended provision is also available for our nursery children for before and after the core hours; the nursery children are also able to access all holiday club provision.
The whole school’s extended day provision runs throughout the school week from 7.40am until 6pm. Visit our After School Club page for greater detail. The extended day team also run wonderful enrichment and holiday camps enabling the school to stay open to children for 49 weeks of the school year.
To find out more about the school you can attend a Prospective Parent Tour by visiting our Admissions Page where you see available dates to book onto. You will also find more information on how and when to apply for either a Nursery or school place.
To review the school’s performance use the links below.
Performance Data
Whole School Attainment 2022-2023
Inspection Data Summary Report
Standards and Testing Agency Documents
Information for parents:national curriculum assessment results at the end of key stage 1
Information for parents:national curriculum assessment results at the end of key stage 2