UPDATE (July 2022)
School Name Consultation Outcome Letter – from the Governing Body
The information on this webpage will be updated shortly.
School name consultation – March 2022
Rhodes Avenue Primary School Governing Body (the Governors) are currently undertaking a consultation process with regard to the school’s name. The Governors plan to engage with children, staff, parents, and other relevant members of the local community. This follows on from the survey of parents carried out in July 2021.
The purpose of the consultation is to establish the views held by our school community about our school name to inform a decision by the Governors. Please note, this consultation is not seeking views on an alternative name.
When will consultations take place?
Children: The school will consult the children in the summer term of 2022 as part of the Y3 local history project which examines the school’s name and encourages historical enquiry into the history of the school. This is an established part of the school curriculum and has been for a number of years. The learning undertaken by Y3 will be shared across the school and all children will have a chance to engage with the consultation.
Staff: All members of staff at Rhodes Avenue school will be consulted in the Spring Term of 2022.
Parents: An initial survey of parents was undertaken in July 2021. As well as asking parents to respond to the question, “Should Rhodes Avenue Primary School change its name?”, the survey also asked for comments and a number of thoughtful responses were received. We will explore these detailed comments further by inviting parents to speak directly with us or get in touch via email to share their views.
We are aware that there are families who have since left the school and new families who have joined. We wish to give all current parents an opportunity a chance to make their views known.
The following opportunities are available for parents to make their views known to Governors:
- Friday 18th March: Drop-in session at school gates between 3-4pm
- Thursday 24th March: Drop-in Zoom session online between 9:30-10:30am
- Tuesday 26th April: Drop-in Zoom session online between 7:30pm-8:30pm (details to follow)
Local residents: We will consult local residents via flyers in the next 3 months with information on how to share their thoughts with the Governing Body. We will also seek the views of the local authority.
Who decides on the school’s name?
The decision to change the name of the school lies solely with the Governors. There is no statutory process to follow; however, the Governors will be guided in their decision-making by the principles of public law. The decision will be based on the available evidence and Governors will take into account the views expressed by our school community, and others whose views we have sought. A vote of Governors, determined by a simple majority, will be held at a Governing Body meeting in July 2022 to decide whether or not the school will change its name.
School Name Consultation Principles and Procedure
How can I have my say?
If you wish to express your views about the school name, please email the Co-chairs of Governors, Helen and Fiona, at schoolname@rhodes.haringey.sch.uk. Please feel free to tell us a bit about yourself if you would like to, for example your gender, ethnicity, relationship to the school, etc.
All comments will be anonymised before being shared with to the rest of the Governors. All comments received will be shared with the Governing Body only and will be for the sole purpose of informing their decision on whether or not to change the name of the school.